News Coverage

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives
Dubai/Manama: Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the MENA…

Dubai/Manama, July 16, 2024: Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives
Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the MENA (Middle East & North

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives
للضيافة تعلن عن إقامة فعالية اليوم المفتوح «استكشف.. جرب.. شارك» – الوطن نیوز «مسام» ينتزع 1851 لغما جديدًا في اليمن خلال النصف الأول من يوليو – الوطن نیوز وليد البوفلاسة يحتفل بنجله لحصوله على البكالوريوس في الأمن السيبراني والتحقيقات الجنائية الرقمية من بريطانيا –

Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa)

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives
The show’s key partners include the Dubai Renewable Energy Business Group (DREBG), Dubai Chamber of Commerce, and the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA)

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives
Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the MENA

Bahrain at the forefront of renewable energy adoption in MENA: MESIA
Manama, July 2024: The Kingdom of Bahrain is in the forefront in leading renewable energy adoption in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as the country races towards achieving the Net Zero goals, said an expert industry body, the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA).

Bahrain at the forefront of renewable energy adoption in MENA: MESIA
MESIA, one of the key partners at the upcoming Powerlec Bahrain 2024 during September 23-25, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry is also taking proactive steps to position the Kingdom as a sustainable energy pioneer and fulfil the country’s Net Zero commitment by 2060.

The show’s key partners include the Dubai Renewable Energy Business Group (DREBG), Dubai Chamber of Commerce, and the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA), among others.

Top renewable energy experts set for Powerelec Bahrain 2024

Powerlec Bahrain to be held in Sept
Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region actively seeking to reinforce and sustain circular economy initiatives to meet decarbonisation goals through energy transition.

Top renewable energy experts set for Powerlec Bahrain 2024

Bahrain tops the ladder in renewable energy adoption in MENA
Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa)

Bahrain tops the ladder in renewable energy adoption in MENA
Manama: The Kingdom of Bahrain is at the forefront in leading renewable energy adoption in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as the country races towards achieving the Net Zero goals in a stipulated timeframe.

غرفة تجارة البحرين تتعاون مع باورليك البحرين لدفع جهود الطاقة المتجددة
المملكة تتمتع بسمعة رائدة في تعزيز ودفع الطاقة المتجددة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، حيث حققت هدفها في كفاءة الطاقة بنسبة 6% في عام 2019 قبل ست سنوات من الموعد المحدد.

Bahrain Chamber of Commerce partners with Powerleak Bahrain to drive renewable energy efforts
The Kingdom has a leading reputation for promoting and driving renewable energy in the GCC, having achieved its 6% energy efficiency target in 2019, six years ahead of schedule.

Bahrain’s renewable energy sector witnesses high investments, reflects the transition towards sustainable energy
The Kingdom excels in renewable energy and achieves the energy efficiency target of 6% ahead of schedule

«الغرفة» تفتتح مؤتمر ومعرض باورليك البحرين 2024
الكوهجي: نؤكد على دور القطاع الخاص في رحلة البحرين نحو التحول إلى اقتصاد مستدام

غرفة تجارة البحرين تتعاون مع باورليك البحرين لدفع جهود الطاقة المتجددة
المملكة تتمتع بسمعة رائدة في تعزيز ودفع الطاقة المتجددة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، حيث حققت هدفها في كفاءة الطاقة بنسبة 6% في عام 2019 قبل ست سنوات من الموعد المحدد.

Bahrain Chamber of Commerce partners with Powerleak Bahrain to drive renewable energy efforts
The Kingdom has a leading reputation for promoting and driving renewable energy in the GCC, having achieved its 6% energy efficiency target in 2019, six years ahead of schedule.

البحرين رائدة في تبني الطاقة المتجددة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، وفقًا لجمعية الشرق الأوسط لصناعات الطاقة الشمسية
“طموح البحرين لتحقيق الصافي الصفري – الكشف عن الطاقة المتجددة والهيدروجين الأخضر من أجل اقتصاد مستدام وخالي من الكربون”، موضوع مؤتمر باورليك البحرين 2024 القا

Powerlec Bahrain 2024 to help drive momentum for MENA circular economy initiatives
Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama

Bahrain at the forefront of renewable energy adoption in MENA: MESIA
Bahrain’s Net-Zero Ambition – Unfolding Renewables, Green Hydrogen for a Sustainable, Decarbonized Economy,’ conference theme at the upcoming Powerlec Bahrain 2024

Bahrain At The Forefront Of Renewable Energy Adoption In MENA: MESIA | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN
The Kingdom of Bahrain is at the forefront in leading renewable energy adoption in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as the country races towards achieving the Net Zero goals, said an expert industry body, the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA).

البحرين رائدة في تبني الطاقة المتجددة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، وفقًا لجمعية الشرق الأوسط لصناعات الطاقة الشمسية (MESIA)
المنامة، 16 يوليو 2024: أصبحت مملكة البحرين رائدة في مجال تبني الطاقة المتجددة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، حيث تسارع البلاد نحو تحقيق أهداف الصافي الصفري، وذلك وفقًا لما ذكرته جمعية الشرق الأوسط لصناعة الطاقة الشمسية (MESIA).

Top renewable energy experts set for Powerelec Bahrain 2024
Powerelec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the Mena (Middle East & North Africa)

Top Renewable Energy Experts Set For Powerlec Bahrain 2024
Powerlec Bahrain 2024, an international trade fair and conference on solar, renewables, storage, power and electrical industry will open in September in Manama in the backdrop of governments in the Mena

Bahrain Chamber of Commerce partners with Powerleak Bahrain to advance renewable energy efforts
The Kingdom has a leading reputation in promoting and driving renewable energy in the GCC , having achieved its 6 % energy efficiency target in 2019 , six years ahead of schedule .

Al-Kooheji: We emphasize the role of the private sector in Bahrain’s journey towards a sustainable economy
The Second Vice President of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Mohammed Al Kooheji, inaugurated the Powerleak Bahrain 2024 Conference and Exhibition entitled “Bahrain’s Ambition to Achieve Net Zero

Bahrain Chamber partners with Powerlec Bahrain 2024 in renewables push
The kingdom has an early bird reputation in advancing and reinforcing renewable energy in the GCC; reached its energy efficiency target of 6 per cent in 2019, six years ahead of schedule